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Netherworld, Soul Guardians Book 4 Page 2
Netherworld, Soul Guardians Book 4 Read online
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The old man backed away from them suddenly and pointed towards the ceiling. His eyes were wide in fear. “The earthquake,” he whispered.
Kara frowned. “The earthquake? We don’t get earthquakes here—”
As if on cue, the bookshelves started to rattle and the ground shook fiercely. An enormous boom thundered around them, as though the earth itself had split open. Bookshelves swayed dangerously, spilling out their contents. Books toppled over and crashed onto the floor around them. The walls cracked, revealing large gaping holes. Chunks of plaster cascaded down from the ceiling and covered Kara and David in a blanket of white dust. Kara coughed as the powder burned her throat.
“Kara! This way!” David yanked Kara by the arm and pulled her towards the counter. They ducked and flung themselves against the wood frame to protect themselves from the falling rubble as best as they could.
Kara looked around nervously. “Where’s Mr. Patterson?” she shouted over the groans and creaks of falling debris.
A huge chunk of plaster crashed on the floor, just inches away from them.
“I don’t know!” yelled David. He inspected the ceiling for more falling boulders. “The ceiling is coming down. We’ll get crushed if we stay here. We have to get out of here now!”
Kara nodded and followed David out from behind the counter. They ducked and jumped out of the way of broken shelves and dangerously sharp chunks of rock—
Half the ceiling came down behind them. The counter disappeared under an avalanche of wreckage.
Kara watched David’s lips move, but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. All she could hear was the hammering of her heart and the thundering crash of falling debris. He pointed to the door and grabbed her hand.
Desperately they ran for the door. It was near. They were almost at the threshold—
An earsplitting crack vibrated around them.
The remaining ceiling tumbled down.
Kara’s last image was of a brick wall crashing on top of her. A tremendous weight pressed on her chest, and then her consciousness left.
Chapter 2
Back Again
After a distasteful five-minute elevator ride with an orangutan in a pink bathrobe and hair curlers, who kept attacking them with a volley of insults, Kara and David found themselves in a large round chamber the size of a baseball field. Unlike her usual encounters with the division where hundreds of guardian angels busied themselves typing on keyboards and running up metal staircases that reached to higher levels, barking out orders, this time only a handful of guardians operated the vast room. Kara shivered uncomfortably in the silence, an eerie reminder of the great loss Counter Demon Division had suffered fighting Asmodeus. It came as no surprise now why they had been called back so soon—CDD was like a ghost town.
At first Kara had felt a little resentment towards the legion for bringing her back so quickly without having spent much time with David as mortals. They had only really just begun to get to know one another. But now, she understood their need to have her back. And she was glad for it—glad to be part of something special and important, like saving mortal souls from demons—glad to have the chance to bring back balance between the worlds.
“So, we’re back,” said Kara to no one in particular. She turned and looked at David. His face was strained, and he walked and stared at the floor. “David? What’s the matter?” She wasn’t used to seeing him so distressed, it unnerved her.
David was silent for a moment, and then he answered. “I...I was dead, Kara. It’s coming back to me now. I remember. My soul died. Asmodeus killed me…”
Pain gushed in her chest as she remembered holding David in her arms before his body evaporated into golden dust. She never wanted to experience that again.
“Well, your soul wasn’t really dead. It just expired for a little while. And now you’re back. The chief brought you back, David.”
David searched Kara’s face. His lips broke into a smile. “I’m sure you had something to do with this…didn’t you?”
Kara looked away. “I have no idea what you mean.” Something hard pressed against her in her jeans pocket. She reached inside and pulled out a golden key card. It gleamed in the light, and she held it up and examined it more closely. Her frowning face reflected back at her. “Mr. Patterson…he gave us our golden keys.”
“Yup. The old fart’s an oracle.”
Kara suppressed a laugh. “It explains a lot.” She remembered his dirty bare feet and crazy Hawaiian shirts. His obsession with crystal balls made sense now. He had been very kind to her, and Kara wondered if that was just because he was looking out for her. How many oracles were stationed on Earth incognito? She found herself wondering what had happened to him after the building collapsed. Did he immediately return to Horizon just as they did?
They made their way slowly past large holographic screens that flickered like x-rays with different images of cities across the globe. A large round desk was raised on a platform in the middle of the large space. Kara counted ten angels sitting around the desk. A few faces stood out, but she didn’t recognize most of them. She recognized Peter’s and Jenny’s immediately. Jenny’s pointy face broke into a large grin. Her big green eyes flashed excitedly. She jumped up and squeezed Kara into a tight hug. Her purple spiked hair tickled Kara’s neck.
“Welcome back, girl. I missed you.”
Kara squeezed her friend back gently. “I missed you too, Jenny. I’m glad to be back. Any idea why we were called back so soon?”
Jenny released Kara and stepped back. “Nope. But I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. Whatever is happening—it must be big. They’re all tight-lipped about it.”
With an exaggerated pout, David lifted his arms and pretended to hug the air before him. “What? Don’t I get a hug, too?” Jenny ignored him and sat back down giggling.
Kara squeezed Peter’s shoulder. “Hi, Peter. It’s nice to see you again.”
“Hi, Kara. Same here.” Peter smiled and lowered his eyes.
After David and Peter exchanged a complex hand-shake, Kara looked around. A large woman sat at the head of the table. She was stunning, which shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Kara. The archangels were known to be beautiful. Her toffee colored eyes studied Kara and David. The woman pushed back her chair and stood up gracefully. Short tight curls bounced lightly above her head like soft springs. She wore black cargo pants tucked into a pair of shiny black boots and a short-sleeved black shirt, which blended beautifully with her mocha colored skin. Her full lips spread into a smile.
“You must be Kara Nightingale and David McGowan,” said the woman, her voice smooth and rich. Kara instantly liked her. “Welcome back. I am the archangel Ariel—the new commanding officer for the Department of Defense. I am very pleased to finally meet you. I have heard many great things about you both. I hear you possess remarkable individual talents. And I look forward to observing them. Please, sit down.”
Obediently, Kara seated herself into an empty seat opposite Jenny and Peter and waited. David flung himself in an empty chair and placed his feet up on the table with his hands interlaced behind his head. Ariel didn’t seem to take notice. She watched Kara, who tried to level her eyes with the archangel but forced herself to look away.
“I’m sure you must be wondering why the GAs that were on Earth have been summoned back so soon.” Ariel paced around the table calmly. Heads bobbed up and down in agreement. “As you might already suspect, we have a serious problem on our hands.”
Kara shifted nervously in her seat. She pressed her hands on her legs. What had prompted the legion to call them back so soon? What was this serious problem? Asmodeus was dead. She had killed her own father months ago, and had nearly lost her soul in the process. She remembered it as if it were yesterday. Perhaps it was. She could still remember his ugly triumphant grin right before she stabbed herself with the inferno blade. How surprised he had been—he had never expected it. His body had been consumed in gol
den fire. She remembered his scream over the crackling fire that consumed his body. He was not coming back after that. It was impossible. Or was it?
Could a new threat have surfaced so quickly? She recalled the chief’s words when she had visited him—where there is good there will always be evil. The mortal world and theirs would always be at risk of new evil. Demons and angels coexisted. It was just a matter of time before evil resurfaced. She just hadn’t expected it to be so soon.
She stole a quick glance over at David who winked at her. She rolled her eyes. Clearly, David was up for some action. She envied his calm resolve.
The archangel Ariel halted and clasped her hands in front of her. She regarded the group thoughtfully for a moment. “We have been made aware of a new situation in the mortal world,” began the archangel. Kara cringed as Ariel’s eyes rested on her again. A coolness rushed inside her head, and she suppressed a shiver. She sensed a presence in her mind. It was as though Ariel could see right through her and read her most intimate thoughts. Ariel’s eyes widened. “Which is precisely the reason why we have called upon your services once again, Kara Nightingale.”
Kara drew back as all eyes fixed on her. She studied Ariel’s face for a sign of what was to come, but she could see nothing. She wiggled in her seat. Her fingernails gouged her thighs. She hated to be the center of attention. The tension in the room was unbearable. She could practically see the silence spread through the entire chamber. Every single angel in CDD waited anxiously to hear what Ariel had to say. Two young women Kara did not recognize held hands, their eyes wide with fear. It appeared everyone wanted to hear why the new threat involved Kara specifically. She bit her bottom lip and prepared herself for what the archangel would say next.
Ariel leaned forward. “Our Scouts have identified a new elemental.”
Whispers spread along the great table. Curious eyes met Kara’s. And by the befuddled look in some of the others, she wasn’t entirely sure they were thrilled to be sitting next to her. She heard her name murmured once or twice. She kept her eyes down until the sound tapered off. She felt angry, but she wouldn’t let her emotions get the best of her, especially now. It would only make matters worse. Let them stare away. She did her best to ignore the whispers.
Only a small group of people knew what had really happened that night in the cemetery last year. She remembered the tear stricken face of the little boy she had plucked from the hands of the demon lord, Asmodeus. She had held him close as his tiny body shivered against her. She knew that she was unique—she had been the only angel capable of withstanding the touch of the elemental. That was when she had learned about her own exceptional power. It seemed so long ago now.
“We know of her existence,” said Ariel, “and as we know with any elemental being, she’s in great danger of being tortured for her untamable power. We cannot allow her to fall into enemy hands. She must be protected.”
She, repeated Kara in her head. This time the elemental was a girl. Kara frowned and wondered where her mortal mother was. Did the mother know she had given birth to a supernatural being?
“She has managed to avoid capture by the demons so far, but it won’t be very long until she is within their grasp and lost to us forever. We cannot allow that to happen. We have already witnessed the devastation that the enemy can cause when elemental power falls into their hands. The legion has suffered enough.
The High Council has specifically asked for our help in this matter, and we will not fail them.” Ariel’s voice rang throughout the chamber. Although Ariel was smaller than her male counterparts, Kara was sure that Ariel was a force to be reckoned with when she got angry.
Ariel straightened herself and cocked her head towards Kara. “Kara is the only one who can touch the elemental. A single touch from an elemental would destroy an ordinary angel, so Kara’s special talents are essential to this mission. This assignment is entrusted to you, Kara…and to your team.”
Without realizing it, Kara nodded in acceptance. She knew she was the only one suited for the job. With the demon lord gone, she didn’t think retrieving an elemental kid would be difficult. She and her friends could take care of a few demons. She sat straighter in her seat, and ignored the scrutinizing eyes around her. Yes, she knew she was no ordinary angel. She was different. And she was proud to be different. It made her special.
“Your teammates are...” Ariel pointed with a long finger to the different faces across the table and then rested on her friends. “Jenny, Peter, and David. The four of you have proven that you excel as a team. We need the very best on this assignment. You cannot fail. In any event, you will each receive a pair of sparks. Use them wisely.”
Kara locked eyes with Jenny, who gave Kara a reassuring smile. Kara smiled back. She couldn’t ask for a better team. With Peter’s brains, Jenny’s self-assuredness, and David’s adept fighting skills, they were an unstoppable force. They were going to recover the elemental. She was sure of it—a piece of cake.
Ariel raised her voice slightly as she addressed the team. “We have pinpointed her last location to Boston, Massachusetts. We believe she’s hiding in a youth safe house. You will begin your search there. If you succeed in finding the girl—a group of Sensitives is on standby and ready to take the elemental into their care as soon as she is safe with you.”
“Sounds great.” David cracked his knuckles and tapped the table with his hands. “When do we start? I’ve been meaning to kick some serious demon butt. I’m thinking it’s payback time for all the sh—” Ariel raised her eyebrows, and it was enough to silence David.
The archangel’s face changed. Her expression became serious. “There is something else. Our Scouts have felt a dark presence around the elemental, something evil lurks around her…almost like a shield or guardian. They were unable to give us more details about this dark aura. But one thing is for sure…they’ve never sensed anything like it before.”
“Do you think she’s marked?” Kara remembered her own experience with the demon mark. It hadn’t been very pleasant. The legion had been very quick to pass judgment on her. What if this poor girl suffered that same fate and ended up in Tartarus too? “If she is…it’s not her fault. You can’t blame her for something out of her control. She’s just a kid. An innocent kid.” Kara’s voice rose before she could control it. She knew she had everyone’s full attention now. She didn’t care. She wouldn’t stand for another incident in which an innocent was blamed for a demon’s touch. Not again.
Ariel’s eyes were filled with tenderness. “I understand how you feel, Kara. This must be very difficult to hear, but you were an exception. You are an angel—she is a mortal. We just can’t say for sure whether this child has been compromised, and we can’t afford to take any chances with her. The dark presence emanating from this child is something new, according to the Scouts. They don’t know what it is—except that it feels evil—extremely evil...and dangerous.”
“I don’t like the sound of that,” whispered Jenny, as she tried to make eye contact with Kara but to no effect.
Anger and fear welled inside Kara. She squeezed her hands into fists until she couldn’t feel her fingers anymore. This all sounded a lot like what had happened to her. The legion had already labeled this poor girl as a freak. Just like her. They had no proof other than what the Scouts said they felt. What if they were wrong? What then? What were they going to do with her once she was in their hands? Kill her? If she was as dangerous as the archangel had informed them, she doubted whether they were going to hand her off peacefully to the Sensitives. No, she was sure they had other plans.
The unfairness of the situation fed a wild rage inside her. A hot tremor rolled down her back, and Kara strained to subdue her own power. This little girl was innocent. She wasn’t a thing—but a frightened mortal girl who needed help. Kara had to protect her. She had to find her before the legion did. She wasn’t sure what she would do with the girl once she had her, but she would figure it out later. One thing was certain—she wasn
’t going to let them touch a single hair on her head—no matter what.
The archangel looked directly into Kara’s eyes. “Kara. Please understand. We only want to help. This is a very delicate situation, and we trust you will not fail us. You must be very careful. Never let your guard down. We do not know what surrounds the elemental. We know it’s evil, but we don’t know what it can do to you—specifically. Do you understand?”
Kara met her eyes. “I understand. I won’t let my guard down.” Her tone was rough, and she didn’t regret it.
Uncertainty tinted Ariel’s face for a moment. She searched Kara’s face and then recovered quickly with a sigh. “Good. I want everyone back safe within two hours. Let’s go people. Get to it!”
Everyone jumped to their feet excitedly. Kara watched Ariel walk way and wondered what she would have looked like if she had accepted the Chief’s proposal of becoming an archangel, too. Would she have been as beautiful and fearsome as Ariel? Or more demure, like the soft-spoken, but traitorous Cassiel? She wasn’t sure if she’d have a choice in the matter. Perhaps you would just become a bigger version of yourself. She would never find out.
Kara knew that the legion needed her unique talents for this special assignment. She didn’t plan on failing them—but she wasn’t going to hand them the girl either. Not until she first found out personally what this dark presence was. Then she would decide what she was going to do with the elemental girl. What was this new darkness Ariel spoke of? Although fear crept into her mind at the possibilities of what the darkness might be, the need to save the girl surpassed everything else. Something deep inside told her that the elemental was innocent, and that the evil presence was after her.
“Kara! You coming or what?” David yelled from the weapons wall. He pocketed two soul blades, a firestone, and a moonstone before heading towards the Vega tanks.